Monday, September 9, 2013


     So, I've been doing pretty good with cutting out snacking lately and I'm very proud of that. I think it's because I have to buy my own groceries and I only buy healthy stuff to snack on.
     I'm working on creating different eating plans for myself. I need frequent snacks because I have class form 8AM until 7PM and that's a long day. Sometimes I don't have time to come back to my dorm and make lunch. I've made my daily calorie limit 886, which I've calculated should allow me to lose 1-1.5lbs a week. Plus, I can still eat. And once I lose more weight, I will just recalculate this number and adjust.
     School is going great. I'm so happy. My teachers aren't that great. Lots of thick accents and getting off track. But, this semester I'm actually really excited about what I'm learning, so when I do readings and homeworks it's not super boring.
     I'm taking Anatomy and Physiology [but it's mostly physiology], Electrical Circuit Analysis and Design [basically circuit 1 & 2], C++ Programming, Chemistry [again because I failed last year], and Technical Communications [public speaking and technical writing]. It's a challenge, but I'm feeling really positive about this year. Although the class time isn't that much fun, I do enjoy learning so much.
     I'm such a nerd.
     Well anyways, sorry for this super boring post. I'm off to do a "learn how to use a microscope" lab. For the 4th time in my life. -__-


  1. I'm doing a circuits class too! What fun (not)!
    Please don't let calories hold you back from doing your best in all these difficult classes. If you have to eat 1000 calories in order to stay awake and study for chemistry, do it. You have your whole life to lose weight, and only the next few years to get a degree.

    1. Yeah, I know that I need to eat more with classes all day and then homework and going to the gym on top of it. It's hard to balance everything, but I know that school is my number one priority.

  2. Glad to hear you're enjoying school. I love that you're passionate about your studies, even if the teachers aren't that great.
    Buying your own groceries definitely changes things, but it's always less stressful to not be surrounded by other people's food. I have to agree with Emily though - study first, lose weight second. Good luck with creating your meal plans <3 xx

    1. I love buying my own food now! When there's junk food around I always feel like I need to eat it to get rid of it (which makes no sense?) but now it's just fresh veggies and whole foods so I don't have anything to feel bad about. Even if I think I'm pigging out, it's on healthy home-made food and not processed sweets.
