Friday, May 23, 2014

Sick as a Dog

     I'm sick. And I'm so mad about it. I haven't been sick in months and I thought that I wouldn't be sick again until school started up again. But no. This new lady at work got me sick. Now I'm miserable. I can't exercise. I can barely stay awake. I'm supposed to be having a party Saturday and I really don't want to anymore. I've just been sitting around and drinking loads of tea.
     In other news, yesterday was awful. On top of being really sick, I was also feeling extremely depressed. We found out yesterday that my brother is not going to graduate from high school. My mom was crying and yelling and freaking out on him. My kitten was crying. I couldn't be around it. I drove around for a while and smoked a bunch of cigarettes, which did not help my sore throat and cough. After that I decided to take a bubble bath and drink so chamomile tea and I felt better. I'm so disappointed in my brother. And he doesn't even care that he's not graduating. Ugh.

1 comment:

  1. Urg, that all sounds horrible. Totally understandable that you don't want to have a party while you're so sick. I hadn't been sick for a whole year until I got this infection. I'm sorry to hear your brother isn't graduating. Hopefully he can find education or work experience elsewhere.
    Take care lovely <3 xx
