Monday, September 30, 2013

9/30 Intake

Oatmeal - 100
Tortellini - 62
Edamame - 25
Salad - 60
Beans - 47
Corn - 66
Onions - 17
Salsa - 35
Baby Spinach - 6
Chips - 140
Salsa - 40
Luna Bar - 190
Total: 788
     I've been working on getting back on track, because my emotions have been all over the place and I've been eating way too many candy bars. I'm working out new meals to make that are filling and low calorie. Wish me luck guys!

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Depression Talk

     So I was talking with one of my friends the other day, and he doesn't know about any of my problems. We ended up talking about depression and mental illnesses.
     He kept telling me that mental illnesses aren't real. That you can be sad about something and then just snap out of it because life is good and happy. He said people are depressed for attention.

  1. You can't just snap out of depression. It is a chemical imbalance in the brain.
  2. Life isn't always good and happy for people.
  3. If depressed people just wanted attention, then why doesn't he know I'm depressed? Wouldn't I just be blabbing about it to everyone?
     Just a little rant. It makes me angry that people with mental disorders aren't treated equally. Like I would get some much shit if all my friends knew about my problems..

Monday, September 9, 2013

9/9 Intake

Egg over Medium - 70
Organic Quinoa & Rice - 240
Peaches - 50
Baby Bel - 50
Whole Wheat Pasta - 140
Spaghetti Sauce - 60
Green Beans - 33
Morning Star "Chicken" Patty - 140
Baby Carrots - 35
Total: 818
     Wow. I'm really happy with myself. I'm stuffed and I haven't even had my baby carrots yet! And everything is relatively healthy. And I can actually measure my food out all the time now without my parents annoying me. Yeah, I had a little bit over my carbs for the day, but I didn't go over on sugar. I only cook 1 cup of pasta and then add a bunch of stuff to it so that it looks like a lot more calories than it is and it tastes so good. I feel amazing. Today was just such a wonderful day.


     So, I've been doing pretty good with cutting out snacking lately and I'm very proud of that. I think it's because I have to buy my own groceries and I only buy healthy stuff to snack on.
     I'm working on creating different eating plans for myself. I need frequent snacks because I have class form 8AM until 7PM and that's a long day. Sometimes I don't have time to come back to my dorm and make lunch. I've made my daily calorie limit 886, which I've calculated should allow me to lose 1-1.5lbs a week. Plus, I can still eat. And once I lose more weight, I will just recalculate this number and adjust.
     School is going great. I'm so happy. My teachers aren't that great. Lots of thick accents and getting off track. But, this semester I'm actually really excited about what I'm learning, so when I do readings and homeworks it's not super boring.
     I'm taking Anatomy and Physiology [but it's mostly physiology], Electrical Circuit Analysis and Design [basically circuit 1 & 2], C++ Programming, Chemistry [again because I failed last year], and Technical Communications [public speaking and technical writing]. It's a challenge, but I'm feeling really positive about this year. Although the class time isn't that much fun, I do enjoy learning so much.
     I'm such a nerd.
     Well anyways, sorry for this super boring post. I'm off to do a "learn how to use a microscope" lab. For the 4th time in my life. -__-

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Weekly Wednesday Weigh-In - 4

Last Weight: 124.6
Todays Weight: 120
Difference: -4.6
Last Goal: 122.8 by 8/28
Goal Met? Yes
New Goal: 118.5 by 9/11
     I finally fucking lost weight! I'm so excited. I know, I skipped the last weight in, but I was so depressed it was not even something that I wanted to think of. This past week I have cut down on junk food so much. I haven't had a binge in a week I think. Being at school is great because I can go out and buy whatever food I want. Plus, I can go to the gym again! Yay! I went today and it was amazing! It's nice to be back. 

Back at School

     Hey guys! I'm back at school finally! I moved in on Monday and started class yesterday. Here's my first day outfit:

     I love my new room. I have a kitchen and a living/dining room and my own bathroom. It's really nice. Things have been flowing smoothly and now I have a lot more free time so that I can go back to blogging! Yay!