Thursday, August 1, 2013

August is Mine

     A new month means new beginnings. This summer has been strange. I feel that all I do is work. Also, I've been feeling very disconnected these past couple months. My therapist blames PTSD. But, I think things are looking up this month. I've been feeling a lot more positive lately. [My therapist thinks I'm having a manic episode but screw that] I have big things planned for August. I'm excited!
New Exercise Routine: Go for a jog twice a week for 30 mins. Aim to run further every time. Finish the 30 day squat challenge. Do pilates twice a week for 30 mins. Walk as much as possible.
New Diet Plan: Starting at 600 net calories a day for one week and then going down 50 calories every week. If I eat any over, I must exercise it off. I will not deprive myself. I will measure out all food. I will only weigh in once a week on Wednesdays.
New Attitude: I will not care what people think about me. I will wear what I want and do what I want with my life.
     I really hope that this plan works out! Does anyone else have any monthly goals?


  1. Good luck with your plan, it looks like you've put a lot of thought into it. The new attitude is the best part!

    I'm hoping I can finally kick smoking in the next month. I've spent the last three months cutting back, but really need to quit cold turkey soon.


    1. I tried quitting cold turkey with out cutting back first, and that failed. I'm down to about 2 cigarettes a day, but I really need to quit. Good luck!!!

  2. Good luck with your new month's plans!
    My plan for this month is to meet my friends more often to socialize.
    Also, I want to make it through a whole month without binging and purging...

    1. Those sound like really good goals! Best of luck!

  3. Your plan sounds lovely hunn.
    I'm planning on keeping to my daily caloric intake and burning any extra (a lot like yours), getting in 30min of yoga per day (at 20 5×a week atm), maybe doing another squatt like challenge?

    Best of luck, keep us posted!

    1. Good luck with your plan! Yoga sounds like fun!
