Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Crumpled Car

     First off, I'd like to apologize for not posting for a while! I've been really busy and stressed out. And one of those reasons is because I crashed my car! Awesome.
     I was supposed to have a 10:30 doctor's appointment on Friday, but my brother broke his foot so my mom had to be around to drive him to his later appointment. She switched our appointments so that mine was at 3:30. I was really pissed because I was supposed to be doing all this fun stuff with my boyfriend. So at 3:00 I got into my car to go to the doctors and started backing out of the driveway and bam. I smashed into my boyfriend giant jeep. I had completely forgot that he was parked behind me. My car crumpled. One of my taillights in completely gone. My bumper is all smashed. My trunk is bent up. It sucks.
     So I don't have a car for the remainder of the summer. Which sucks. I've just been sitting at home and eating and crying and gaining weight and hating myself.

1 comment:

  1. Ugh, that sucks about your car!
    Keep your chin up, though.
    Maybe this means a nicer one for you in the future?
    I'd kinda love to bang up my car - but then again, it's a '96 Buick Station Wagon. Seriously, that thing just needs to disappear from my driveway one day... I leave it unlocked and everything. ;)
