Saturday, August 17, 2013

Vegetarian Life

     So, when I was 16 I decided that I was going to become a vegetarian. I ad recently gained up to my highest weight, and I wanted to get if OFF. I also didn't really like the taste of meat and I love animals. I convinced my mom to let me do it. I printed out lots of graphs and food pyramids. She agreed. I have been living the veggie life ever since! I'm actually a pescatarian, for the sake of sushi, because that's usually the only fish I ever eat. I also don't drink milk, but that's just because it tastes disgusting. I also eat eggs, which people think is weird.. but I love them so I don't care.
     Becoming a vegetarian is one of the best things I ever did. I lost a ton of weight really fast. My body just felt better overall. And I felt really good that I was saving a bunch of cute little cows.
     Making the transition into a vegetarian was not that hard for me. However, it can be hard for others. First, I cut out red meat. It was my least favorite thing to eat. That was pretty easy. I would just fill up on extra veggies if my mom made steak that night. Then I cut out processed meats, such as chicken patties. Those were my all time favorite. I substituted them for a vegetarian version. Tyson chicken patties are 200 calories with 13 grams of fat of 9 grams of protein. The morning star Chik patties have 170 calories and only 5 grams of fat and 10 grams of protein. And they taste 10 times better! Even my carnivore brother thinks so. Then I finally cut out all of meats, which was easy because of my moms cooking. Ew. 
     A lot of people ask my if I miss anything that I used to eat. My boyfriend can't understand how I live without bacon. There's really only one thing that I miss. McDonald's chicken nuggets.
     Whenever I tell someone I'm a vegetarian, they freak out a little about how to feed me. It's not that hard. Just take the meat out. Making spaghetti and meatballs? I'll just have spaghetti. Going out for burritos? Bean burritos are my favorite. My mom just cooks extra sides for me to eat. When I go out to eat, I always look at the menu before-hand. Most restaurants have vegetarian options. Burger King even has veggie burgers now!
     The biggest thing to remember, it that you can eat whatever the fuck you want. People judge me all the time for being a vegetarian, but I don't care because I eat what I like, and I don't like meat, so I don't eat it! Simple as that!


  1. Great post, my parents are both pescatarians,if I became a veggie I would definitely miss McD's chicken nuggets!


  2. ^Same here. Both my parents are pescatarians, so I grew up eating very little meat. I didn't even know being a vegetarian was a popular thing until I became a teenager and all the girls at my school started becoming vegetarians/vegans.
    I eat meat now, but I love veggies far more <3
    And yes you are damn right! We are free to make our on choices and decide whatever the hell we want to eat! If you are a meat lover and can't quit meat, why make such an effort in becoming a vegetarian? But if you dislike meat and you are happy being a vegetarian, then go for it!! :) the world is full of delicious stuff that ain't meat! XD
    Hope you have a lovely weekend dear! xx

  3. I am the same type of veggie as you for 8yrs now. My change was on the opposite, quite sudden and strict. I went from all to eggs only over night. My parents accepted it as a fact of life and to this day, even being moved out for 4yrs. My mom carries veggie burgers for when I come to dinner, in order to add protein to my sides.

    I find veggies are easier to deal with then picky eaters. What ever your making thay happens to be meat free goes!

    Stay positive
