Thursday, August 22, 2013

Partying with an ED

     On the rare occasion that I get invited to a party, and the even more rare occasion that I decide to go, I always have anxiety about it. Especially when it comes to calories. Parties are filled with calories. Pizza. Chips. Alcohol. It's a mess. I used to party a lot more when I was younger. And I've learned, the hard way, what to do and what not to do when it comes to partying when you have an ED.
     The number one rule: NEVER DRINK ON AN EMPTY STOMACH. I have done this so many times. And I've seen people recommending others to do this. It seems like a great idea, right? Save your calories for the day so you can get drunk with your friends. No. You will get drunk way too fast. You'll be the super sloppy drunk that no one likes. You will probably throw up, and you will run out of stuff to throw up and it will hurt. You have a higher chance of blacking out and that never ends well. But, most importantly, you will do major damage to your body. The alcohol will not be absorbed into any food. Your body will digest it faster and there will be very high concentrations in you liver. After awhile this can lead to permanent liver damage. So, before you drink, please please please eat something.
      Never feel pressured to drink. Not drinking alcohol is the best way to avoid liquid calories. Just drink diet soda all night or even make up a mock-tail. If people are pressuring you to drink, then those people suck. You don't need to drink to have fun.
     BYOB. Bring your own beer / beverage. When guys throw parties, they usually don't buy diet soda. It's full calorie beer and full calorie soda. I always bring my own drink. Then I know how much alcohol is it. I know how many calories are in it. I know that no one put drugs in it. I just feel so much better about the night. It also control how much I'll drink. This is a great option if you're not drinking too. Bring a soda and if someone offers you a beer, say you already have a drink. They usually assume it's alcoholic.
     Dance! This is the best way to avoid feeling the guilt of "I ate a meal and I'm drinking." I love dancing at parties. It's fun. You meet new people. And it burns calories! No more guilt about have a drink! The best part it that if you embarrass yourself, just play it off like you're really drunk.
     Have fun and be Safe. Parties are meant for people to have fun at, so enjoy yourself. But, remember to be safe. Use the buddy system. Keep track of how much you're drinking. Drink water in between drinks. Have safe way home (taxi, designated driver, walking). If you feel unsafe, don't be afraid to leave with your friends or ask someone to get you, even if it's your mom!


  1. Good post!
    Luckily, I never have to worry about alcohol, as I don't like the taste! Yaaay!
    And I definitely agree about the dancing thing. Dancing is great for releasing emotions and it's a great mood booster once you get into it.

  2. Great tips.
    Drinking on an empty stomach is really a silly idea. That one pre-drinks meal can be the difference between a great night out and a horrific night.
    BYOB is a good idea for anyone, especially with the risk of spiking these days. And obviously, never put your drink down at a party or bar. If you have to go to the toilet, ask a trusted friend (a REALLY trusted friend) to hold your drink, or even better get a new drink afterwards.
    Have a fun (and safe) weekend! xx

  3. Totally agree with this post. I work in the service industry and soo many girls ask me too "watch their drinks" when they go to the washrooms or for a smoke. What people need to realize is that spiking a drink is quick and easy, it can be done in the 2seconds I tirn arround to serve someone else.

    Bring your drink with you at all times. Only trust a server bringing you a drink (unless your paranoid like me and think the staff is in on it) and dont be affraid to ask for a glass of watet. Its free and we rather serve you water then have to clean up your puke... for reals!

    Best of weekends hunn.
