Thursday, August 15, 2013


     So, this weekend I'm going camping. Ew. Last time I went camping was in a tent. And it rained. And I got soaked. This time however, I'm going in an RV. With 4 other people. And 2 dogs. You can probably tell that I'm not very excited. This is why.
Cons of Camping:
  • No privacy!
  • Have to eat what food is there.
  • Can't exercise when I want.
  • Hard to hide my habits.
  • High caloric foods like s'mores
     I'm trying to stay positive though, because I am going with my boyfriend and I want him to be happy. So these are some of the positive aspects:
Pros of Camping:
  • Hiking is good exercise.
  • Limited food means I can't binge.
  • Easier to make excuses because it's not my own family.
  • I can pack my own low-cal food.
  • I get to spend the weekend with my lovely boyfriend.
  • There's a pool at the campsite and swimming burns calories.
     I really want this weekend to be a good one. I want to enjoy my last couple weekends of the summer. I'm leaving tonight and coming back Sunday night. I'll be sure to let you all know how it went!


  1. Have fun! Hopefully the positives outweigh the negatives. I can't say I like camping, especially in tents, but I love being out in nature. Focus on the 'pros' and have a wonderful weekend!

    1. I'm trying to be positive, because I want to have fun. I think the biggest con for me is having no privacy. So I just have to not think about it..

  2. Hey,
    I completely empathise with how stressful going away is especially with others and not being able to 'do' your routine etc.

    However it is an excellent opportunity for you to be strong and tell your ED to go fck herself and show her who is really in control. She has no right to ruin your time away.

    Besides if you let yourself relax for those few days and by some warped way it is disastrous then it isnt anything that cant be undone in a few days when you get back right? Im not saying you should compensate but it is reassuring to tell yourself you can if you absolutely have to.

    hope you have a great time xxxxxxx

    1. I tried to relax.. but that failed.. I'm writing a post about it right now D:
