Monday, August 19, 2013

Camping is the New Hell

     So, I made this post about how I was going camping this past weekend. And I wasn't looking forward to it. And guess what, it was as bad, if not worse, than I expected. I realized a few things this weekend. I never want a dog. I'm claustrophobic. And I hate my boyfriend's step-dad.
     This guy is a homophobic misogynistic prick. The first thing that bothered me was that he kept making fun of me for being a vegetarian. Saying I didn't get enough protein and it was making my brain fail. I was mad. Then, a lesbian couple and their kids moved into the campsite next to us. All he did was call them "stupid fat dykes" and say "why do they allow people like that to have kids?" I was pissed. Then I wanted to roast marshmallows over the fire. "Okay go buy some sticks." I was like "We can just break a stick off of a tree." His reply? " That's fucking disgusting! There's bugs on those!" Dude, we're fucking camping. So we bought wooden sticks that were made in a factory in China. Then the lesbian couple was cooking food in tin foil over the fire. "That's so nasty. Why would you do that!?" Uhm, did you forget, WE'RE CAMPING. Made fun of me for eating a lot. Told me I couldn't do anything right because I was a woman. Kept asking me if I was high. Said my family was messed up. Complained about not being able to get the cable tv to work (yes while camping). Then when I fixed it, told me it couldn't have been me who fixed it because I'm a woman. All they had planned for us to do was sit around watching tv.
     I almost stabbed someone.
     I'm never going fucking camping with them again. And I gained weight probably. Because I was so pissed so all I did was eat. I should've stayed home. It was so bad.


  1. What a grade A asshole. Jeez, I don't blame you for wanting to stab him. I hope your boyfriend doesn't learn too much from his behavior.
    Sorry to hear it didn't go so great. I can't stand being in tents, I'm claustrophobic too. It doesn't sound like the step-dads too big on camping himself - buying sticks and calling cooking food in foil 'nasty'.
    Hope the week ahead goes better for you <3 xx

    1. I'm still pretty pissed about the whole thing, but I don't have to see my boyfriend's parents for at least a few months, so that's great.

  2. WTF?!? Really, that guy sounds likes a total dickhead. I can understand why you had such a tough horrible time... :(
    Don't let it bother you for too long though. Some people are just extremely narrow minded, and they just have no better things to do then judging others and being critical.
    I hope you are feeling better now sweetie, and I hope you have a better week this week! <3 xx

    1. I just kept telling myself that I'm 10 times smarter than that dude will ever be.. I'm just happy that it's over.

  3. What the fuck? I really hope your boyfriend is not like his step-dad. I hate men like him who forget they were carried 9 months and given birth by a woman.

    Sorry if i intruded but I just found your blog and this is your first post I read. You write nicely and you really blog: you share your life with your readers. I am gonna read your blog from now on, fingers crossed something bad happens to that asshole.

    Letters from The Vintage Club

    1. I'm so grateful that my boyfriend is nothing like his step-dad.
      And thank you so much! I've always enjoyed writing and it's nice when people actually want to read it!
