Wednesday, August 28, 2013

I Don't Deserve Food

     Wow. I know. I've been a shitty blogger lately. I've just been so depressed. I haven't been replying to comments and I haven't been keeping up with people's blogs. I'm terrible. I spent today laying in bed and thinking of different ways to kill myself. I also made pasta [wtf] and ate half a container of cookies. Ew. But that was it. Because I don't deserve food. I'm too much of a shitty person. I don't deserve it.
     I keep gaining weight. I'm not exercising. I can't quit smoking. I crashed my car. I'm not packed for school. I'm basically just a failure.


  1. I can relate... Sometimes the depression is just so crushing, and everything seems so impossible. Try not to worry about being a bad blogger, at least. Blogging is supposed to be helpful, not stressful. We'll always be here, whether you're regularly active or not.

    You're in my thoughts hun <3 xx

  2. I am so sorry that you are having a horrible time... I just wish I could give you a big hug right now.... Please don't be so hard on yourself, because you are NOT a failure. Shit happens in life, and we all go through tough times once in a while...
    Please feel better about yourself. Once all these things that are bothering you now passes, you will be alright. So be strong honey! <3
    I hope things get better soon!
