Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Weekly Wednesday Weigh-In - 1

Weekly Wednesday Weigh-In! From now on I'll just call it WWW.
Last Weight: 121.4
Todays Weight: 122.4
Difference: +1.0
Goal: 120.4 by 8/14
     ugh. I gained weight. It's because I've been binging like crazy. When I get upset, all I do is eat. I need to find something else to do besides eat. I was smoking before, but now that's I'm quitting I'm not sure what to do. Also, I'm going on 4+ day with no poop. It's gross, I know, but that has to add to some of the reason why I gained. Even with my binges my calories intake was still under 2000 a day and I've been exercising. Gaining weight just all around sucks.
     So what's my plan for this next week before weigh-in again? I'm going to be really strict with myself. No snacking after dinner even if I have calories left over. I'm going to try spreading my dinner out. Like eat one thing at a time and then wait to eat more. That way I can see if I'm really hungry or not. Exercise cannot be skipped. No excuses. I'm hoping to drop 2 lbs this week. I NEED to drop 2 lbs this week.
     I still need to stay positive though. If I'm not positive, then I'll get depressed and when I'm depressed I binge and when I binge, I gain weight. A lady at work gave me a gift card to Starbucks, and that's awesome because it's a 1 mile walk from my school. So there's an easy excuse to walk 2 miles! And black coffee with splenda has barely any calories. If I stay strict with myself, I can be 116lbs by the time I go back to school! I just need to stay motivated and stop being so damn depressed!


  1. Apparently, the reason we gain weight when we quit smoking is because we need something else to do with out mouthes, and we turn to eating. Things like lollipops, gum or sugar-free hard candy work a treat; it's all about keeping the mouth busy!
    As for the poop issue, you could try a fiber supplement. I take Fibresure dissolved in my morning coffee each day, and it keeps me regular. Constipation definetely contributes to stubborn weights, and just feels plain awful.

    Good luck with your plan for the next week xx

    1. I've always needed things in my mouth. [that sounds dirty] I used to chew on shirt sleeve. I've recently stopped biting my nails. And now giving up smoking. I'm trying mints instead, because gum hurts my jaw.
      I'm trying to force more fiber into my diet, but if that doesn't work I'll need to get some fiber powder or bars because laxatives scare me. :o

    2. I can't live without chewing gum... and I have also been biting my nails since I was a little kid!... :( And I also used to chew on my hair (yeah, pretty gross right?)haha..
      And yes, whatever you do, please do not take laxatives! I used to abuse them almost every single day for like 6 months, and completely f**ked up my digestive system... Trying a fiber supplement like Bella said sounds safer and more effective :)

    3. It's okay, I used to chew on my hair too! Yeah, I've used laxatives before, and it was no fun.... I've been eating more fiber rich foods and that's been helping a lot.
