Tuesday, August 13, 2013


     I hate when people say "I don't drink water because it makes me fat." No. No. No. Water does not make you fat. Water is the one thing that has zero calories! Water is vital for your body. You can't survive for than 3 day without any water. It is recommended that the average adult drink 8 glasses of water a day. Drinking water is especially important for weight loss or if you just want to be healthy! And you don't gain weight from it. Yes, the actual water will weigh something in your stomach, but you just pee it out! So how can you drink more?
  • Bring a water bottle every where. I have one in my car, at my desk at work, and next to my bed. It's always there to grab!
  • Replace your drinks. Replace your usual juice with breakfast or soda with lunch for some water.
  • Order water at restaurants. It's usually free so you can cut down the cost of your meal. [I'm poor]
  • Flavor your water. If you don't like the taste of water, then get some crystal light or mio and add some flavor. You won't be able to stop drinking it!


  1. I always order just water in restaurants. I hardly drink anything else.. not even diet sodas.
    Drinking too much water with meals can make you bloat though, so it's best to drink water between meals.
    Water is awesome :)
    Sky juice <3

    1. I drink water all day. I love it. I just hate when people say it makes you fat! Because it doesn't. That's the best thing about water!
