Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Stopping the Cycle

     So, these past couple weeks I've been on a huge binge cycle where I restrict all day until about 9PM and then eat to the point of almost vomiting, but I can't purge because my parents are always around. I feel huge. I feel so disgusting. I don't want to be seen like this. I was watching Supersize vs. Super Skinny last night [can be found here] and it just made me realize that if I keep eating this much, I'm going to get so huge. I know what I need to do, but I always think it'll be okay to have just a little bit of chips or just one cookie. But that never happens. I always lose control. I can't let myself do that anymore. And it used to be fine to do it, because I could just purge. Now with my parents and brother always around, I can't do that and I have to deal with all this high fat & high calorie food sitting in my stomach. So things I need to starts doing:
  • Eat slower. I eat too fast and then don't feel full until I've already eaten a whole box of cookies..
  • Keep track of how many pounds I want to lose. I'm going to write the number on my hand or wrist every day. It's less noticeable than a weight.Today's number is 25.
  • Choose better foods. If I want chips, then have a rice cake. If I want cookies, then have some prunes. No one wants to binge on rice cakes! But I can still get the crunchiness. 
  • Spend less time at my house. I need to make plans for the week so I'm not sitting at my house with nothing to do but go to food.
  • Write more. I'm an emotional eater and I need to get my emotions out of me instead of stuffing food into myself.
     That's all I got for now. I'm so terrified of becoming fat. I need to get this under control. And I'm sorry that I make so many lists. It's an obsession!


  1. I used to have trouble with this too snacking on smaller foods (eg- apples, nuts) throughout the day and drinking water feels better and means you won't get to the point where you're so hungry you'll make unhealthy choices.
    Meg xx


    1. it's mostly emotional eating, and I'm trying to get it under control.. but my therapist sucked so I'm working on finding a new one..

  2. I wish you luck in breaking that cycle. I know how hard it can be. Xx
