Thursday, July 18, 2013

Quitting Smoking

     I've decided to quit smoking. And it sucks. I went for over a week without one, but then I smoked an entire pack! The hardest part is that I don't really even want to quit. I'm doing it for my boyfriend. He told me "I want to love for a long time, and I want you to be alive for it." So, it guilted me into trying to quit.
     The biggest problem is that all I want to do is eat. And when I eat instead of smoking, then I gain a ton of weight and I get super depressed. I need to Find something to replace cigarettes. I'm thinking like altoids.. Do they have calories?
     I don't think I'll quit forever. It will be very hard to go back to school and stay quit. Everyone I'm living with smokes. I might become like a social smoker. Like, only smoking on the weekends.
     I know a lot of people with mental health problems smoke, because it helps calm you down and it suppresses hunger. But if anyone is reading this who doesn't smoke, PLEASE DON'T DO IT. It's so addicting and it will hurt the people around you.


  1. Hey there, welcome to blogger :) I've just started following you.

    I'm in the 'quitting smoking' club too. It's so damn hard. I can't even picture myself as a non-smoker! My mum's quitting with me, but it's a long slow road.
    I think it's pretty common for people to need something else to do with their mouth after quitting, and a lot of people turn to food just to fill the oral fixation. Maybe try some Nicotine gum, or even regular sugar-free gum. Lollipops are supposed to be good too.

    Take care dear xx

    1. My mom refuses to quit! She did once for about a month, but went right back to it! Thanks for the follow and good luck with quitting!

  2. I've tried quitting over 10times. The longuest I went was a month using the patches and sucking on lollipops. I had to have sonething to do with my hands and mouth.

    I hope you keep it up. I've jyst atarted reading your blig and I'll comment on the newer posts when I get there!

    Stay positive!

    1. Thanks (: It's so hard. Then longest I've gone is like 10 days.
