Wednesday, July 24, 2013


     So for the past couple months I've been going through EMDR. If you don't know, EMDR stands for eye movement desensitization and reprocessing. It's mainly used for people with PTSD and other people who have been through traumatic experiences. What basically happens is you watch these lights go back and forth while either holding pulsars in your hands or wearing headphones that beep. While you do this you have to think about stuff that happened in your life and blah blah blah all that therapy crap. The machine that my therapist has looks like this :
     It's a really weird thing. Some days I feel that it works, and some days I think that it does absolutely nothing. When you're watching the lights, it sometimes feels like you're lucid dreaming. Other times I get bored and tend to just watch the clock. We haven't tackled the actual serious trauma that I went through, which I'll talk about at a later date, and we won't have time to. I'm going to stop the EMDR when I go back to school and do CBT [cognitive behavioral therapy] instead.
     Has anyone ever done EMDR therapy? If you have, what have your experiences been like? I'd love to know!


  1. That sounds like an interesting type of therapy. Never went through it though I've had positive experience with hypno-therapy.

    The psych brings you to a meditative state (which helps if you've never meditated and my shrink had such a soothing deep voice) and brings you to think upon the bad and let it go.

    Needless to say after 4suicide attempts and extreme self-harming for 2yrs, when I left my last session I felt like a cloud had lifted (about 8sessions).

    Ever since, when ever I feel depressed or the urge to self-harm, I meditate. Sounds very neo-hippy of me but it works.

    We all have our fixes I guess?

    Good luck with therapy, hopefully you get to the deeper issues and eventually solve them!

    1. That also sounds interesting. And thanks (:

  2. This sounds really interesting. I've never heard of it before, but will definetely look into it. I've only been offered CBT before, but this looks good because I'm not exactly much of a talker.

    Good luck with therapy hun. I hope it helps you in some way.
