Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Parents Are a Pain

     Parents, and just family in general, can be a pain when it comes to losing weight and eating. Parents always push you to eat, even when you don't want. It can be really difficult to deal with. Hopefully this is my last year at home. I'm hoping to get an apartment for next August. I still have to deal with my parents for now though. I'm going to share ways that I used to deal with them being around when I was younger and the ways that I deal with my parents now.
  • Don't eat lunch at school. I would use my lunch money to buy cigarettes.
  • Make a dirty dish and leave it in the sink.
  • Take food to my room and throw it away
  • Don't eat breakfast
  • Sleep through dinner
  • Leave before dinner and say I'm getting food with my friends / I'll eat later. The drive around or go shopping until you know dinner is over.
  • Insist on making my own food 
  • Not eating at work
  • I'm a vegetarian so my parents can't make me eat the meat they cook 
     It's so much easier to skip dinner now that I have a car. I can just leave and say I'm going out with friends. I miss being a school, living in my dorm, because there I can eat [or not eat] whatever I want!


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