Friday, July 26, 2013

Self Confidence and Mints

     So many girls, not just ones with eating disorders, struggle with self confidence, and it sucks. When I was younger, I loved myself. I thought I was so beautiful. Then, one girl told me that thinking you are beautiful is selfish and egotistical, and I haven't felt the same way since. WHY? Why do people think it's "selfish" to have self confidence? What is so bad about liking yourself.
     I made a big step today though with self confidence. I've been trying to convince myself that I don't care what other people think about me. There's all these things I want to wear, but I'm always too afraid that people will think I'm weird or ugly. I want to be one of those girls that wears heels all the time. I think heels are so feminine, yet they give you a certain power. I'm always too afraid what people will think. I always feel like I can't pull them off. Well today I decided fuck what people think, I'm wearing heels. I bought a cute pair of wedge sandal in March and I've only worn them twice, for Easter and a graduation party. Today I wore them. Not to a special occasion, but because I wanted to. I wore them to the bank AND to Target. I did have some anxiety about it, but not too bad. I just kept telling myself "I don't care" and it worked! I'm really proud of myself that I was confident enough to do that.
     While I was at Target, I picked up some mints. I was originally there buying a scale, which I got, but I saw some Altoids and thought they would be good to help me quit smoking. Well guess what? There's only 1/2 a calories in each mint! They're the Altoid smalls and they give you just enough to make your mouth pepperminty without being too much. Plus apparently peppermint supresses appetite, so that's nice. Whenever I get super hungry, I'll just pop a mint! It's great.
     I'm trying to fast for the rest of the day. My parents won't be home until late, so I can skip meals. Just need to keep busy for the rest of the day! Working on a new blog layout (;

1 comment:

  1. Woo, go you! I'm sure you rocked those wedges. I love heels; my only non-heeled shoes are my slippers and my runners. I hope your confidence keeps building, and heels become an everyday thing. They actually help me feel more confident, wearing flats makes me feel frumpy!

    Hope you have a lovely day :) xx
