Sunday, July 21, 2013

This Weeks Plan

     So my parents are on vacation this week, so I can basically eat [or not eat] whatever I want. It's going to be exciting and challenging. I have a hard time keeping in control, but hopefully with my mom not bugging me I will be able to stay calm and lose some weight! So I'm just going to type out a rough outline of this weeks plan:
Monday: No Breakfast. I'll have a big lunch of probably half a sandwich, some salad, cottage cheese, and apple sauce. No dinner. I can have a cereal bar before therapy if I really have one. I'll keep from eating dinner by cleaning and then going to bed early.
Tuesday: Normal Breakfast to make up for not eating dinner. A small lunch of probably just a salad and some apple sauce. Dinner will be homemade low-cal soup. I might take a long walk after work to burn calories.
Wednesday: No breakfast. I might make tea to keep me full. Lunch of a salad, apple sauce, and cottage cheese. Dinner will be light. Probably roasted tomatoes and mushrooms.
Thursday: Cereal bar breakfast. Light lunch of salad and apple sauce. Dinner will be soup and I might have a small snack while watching project runway!
Friday: I'm not sure what time my parents will be coming home, but I won't eat breakfast.
     I'm hoping to get down to 116 lbs by next Monday but who knows. I'm just trying to stick with this diet plan and not binge. I'm scared that I will binge on Thursday, because that's the day that I watch TV and it's right next to the kitchen so it's really easy to just sit there and eat 3000 calories worth of chips and cookies and ice cream. Wish me luck!


  1. It's always a breath of fresh air to have a few days alone, with no pressure from other people about eating.
    Good luck with your meal plan. It's so helpful to have them written out in advance.

    Take care xx
