Friday, July 19, 2013

Lost More Weight

     I weighed in this morning at 118.6! I'm really happy. I want to get to 118.0 by Monday, but since my boyfriend is staying over, that might be difficult. We're going to Taco Bell later so I'm not eating until then if I can help it. He won't be here until 2 and he's eating before he comes. I thought about making an egg for breakfast, but then I decided that wouldn't be a good idea. I want to eat as little as possible before I see him and he tries to fatten me up.
     Also, since I lost weight [and its 100 degrees out] I decided to wear a skirt. I'm usually way to scared to wear skirts because I think my legs are fat, but I managed to do it and I even went to the bank with it on! I'm so proud of myself!
     I don't know what boyfriend plans on eating the rest of the weekend, and I'm scared. I'll try to keep you updated! I got the blogger app for my phone so I can just update from there! Yay!

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